dissabte, 28 de març del 2009


Al final, tot surt a la llum, i els soldats israelians confessen les atrocitats comeses a Gaza. Assassinats a sang freda de civils, atacs a ambulàncies i equipaments sanitaris, utilització de nens com a escuts humans, esfondraments d'edificis amb civils reclosos dins...Etc, etc, etc...
Això no sorprèn a ningú, les homiliacions públiques, el saqueig de cases i la tortura ja varen caracteritzar el principi de la segona intifada a inicis de dècada.
Una activista catalana anà a Israel i Palestina pels volts del 2004 i ens relatà en una "xerrada" a clase com vivien els palestins, al seu propi pais com a gossos. Ens explicà petits detalls com la marca en forma d'estrella de david que hi havia a molts locals. Eren locals àrabs, que havien estat saquejats i si tornàven a obrir, havien de preveure'n conseqüències.
Més d'un n'havia mort.
Això té alguna similitud amb el « 卐 Deutsche! Wehrt Euch! Kauft nicht bei Juden! 卐 » de Berlin l'any 1933? O un gueto polonès amb l'humiliació a la vida a la ciutat d'Hebrón.
És tan exasperant que la gent no se'n adoni...
Ho tenen davant dels ulls! A la gent els hi interessa més la caçera del Bermejo, la Esperanza Aguirre amb els 007s, la "repressió policial" dels mossos o tonteries com lleis de refrigeradors a la Unió Europea.

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Això es com la frase que he sentit aquest migdia al Telenoticies, dita per un palesti i que crec qe té tota la raó "Sóm les victimes de les victimes de l'holocaust". Es increíble com de ràpid la gent s'oblida de certes coses i en recorda d'altres tan facilment, o com només s'ultilitzen alguns records per commoure i després s'actua de la mateixa manera de la que es queixen...

Pero bé, sense anar més lluny, auqets gen fa pena, de veritat, pena no de la de compassió sino de la de fàstic. Si tant van patir durant el nazisme es pot saber q punyetes fan ara?

Només espero que tots aquests liders tan porcs (per dir-ho d'una manera relativament fina) acabin patint el que ells matiexos fan (ja que no és just tampoc culpar a la petita part d'Israelians civils que esta en contra dels atacs del seu país a Palestina)

Però només es la opinió de, segons els politics, una adolescent revolucionària que no te dret ni vot en el mon polític mundial...¬¬

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t This arrangement is not new, being common in diesel-electric locomotives and ships. Ferdinand Porsche used this setup in the early 20th century in racing cars, effectively inventing the series-hybrid arrangement. Porsche named the arrangement "System Mixt".Clothing Fit and FormNever wear flapping materials around the lower legs because this material can get caught in the chain, pedals or wheels. Avoid wide pants legs, flowing coattails, skirts, floppy socks and long laces. Instead, select velcro-closured shoes, elasticized socks and close-fitting leg wear such as skin-tight cycling shorts with built-in seat padding. If the helmet is too small or too large, it will not give the protection it was designed to give. This is especially important with children who are growing. Inspect the outside plastic and internal foam for cracking by pulling and squeezing the helmet.Severe inflammation requires stronger treatment. A sports doctor may recommend steroid injections to both relieve the pain and reduce the swelling. Unfortunately, steroids have side effects and the relief is only temporary. Bathtime for babies and toddlers can be fun for both the child and the parent, but it also needs to be safe. Most parents know to never leave a young child unattended and to only put a few inches of water in the tub, but a frequently overlooked danger is the potential for toxic chemicals from soaps and toys. Here are some green ideas to keep babies and toddlers healthy and happy in the tub.. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycling Cloth[/url] Pull the drapes shut. If it's a cold and windy winter day, do the same. If you're home, but there are rooms you seldom use, do the same. They cost anywhere from $10 to $20. Inflators either will be powered by the cigarette lighter in your car or by batteries. They range in price from $12 to $25. Puncture KitSome glue, a spoon handle or two, and some bits of rubber, right? Wrong. Yes you need rubber solution and patches, but you will also find a set of plastic tyre levers, some French chalk or talc (to stop the inner tube from sticking to the cover), a spare inner tube and maybe even a spare cover rolled up into a tight wad. When you get a puncture, you want to stop, pull the wheel off (quick-release hubs, generally) and swap the inner tube.Always take good care of your knife. Not only is a well-maintained knife more useful and easier to use, it is also quite a bit safer. One of the most crucial knife safety practices is to sharpen your pocket knife regularly. The oldest and most pristine aquifer formation beneath Long Island is the Lloyd Aquifer. The Lloyd formation is over 50 million years old and the water in it is as much as 8,000 years old, nearly as old as the last ice age. Because the Lloyd Aquifer is at the bottom of the sequence of aquifer layers located beneath Long Island, it usually takes decades for water to reach and replenish it. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycle Jersey[/url] It is then cut, heated and molded to form plastic bags. According to This is Money, producing plastic bags uses four times the energy that is used in paper bags. Approximately 5 trillion plastic bags are produced each year and are mostly made overseas in Malaysia, Thailand, India and China.. Step backward using your left foot, step backward onto the ground. Bring your right foot to meet your left. This is one repetition. Hurting your ankle can be a scary experience, especially if you are unsure of the severity of the injury. If, however, you experience any symptoms such as stiffness in both ankles, swelling that comes and goes, you have a fever, or more than one ankle is swollen and red, see your doctor right away. This could indicate a range of medical issues, possibly including rheumatoid arthritis, a bone fracture or a severe ankle sprain..